12 Commons Drive Carver, MA 02330


Anthony Gervais
Early Childhood Education Preschool
196 South Meadow Rd
Plymouth, MA 02360


Option 1

We noticed all of the classrooms vary slightly in size, however we would be willing to do them all for the same cost.

For each room we will fill holes and minor imperfections in walls as well as any stress cracks.

Larger bulletin boards and display items on walls if necessary will be removed while painting and reinstalled upon completion.

After walls are repaired we will paint walls in each room 2 coats your choice of color.

Trim around doors will be included in this price and if there is an exit door it will be included as well.

We will not be painting or staining the newer oak doors- this quote only refers to previously painted surfaces.

We will take precautions to cover flooring and cover other items in room as needed with sheet plastic to prevent paint spatter.

To paint each room 2 coats will be $1,450 per room. Our price will include labor and material.

Option 2

Rooms that have a back exit door and the plaster is cracking around the door jamb

We will add a piece of 1X4 door casing molding to hide this cracking issue.

Molding will be purchased, installed, and painted to match existing.

Labor and materials: $320 each

Option 3

Front of building

We will cut back siding flash as best as possible and install a block 4 alarm system or light.

Labor and materials $100

Upon completion we we leave all leftover paint for future touchups.

A copy of our Workman’s Compensation and Liability Insurance is available upon request.

WE PROPOSE: hereby to furnish materials and labor-complete accordance with the above specifications, for the sum of: $

All material is guaranteed to be as specified. All work to be completed in a substantial workmanlike manner according to specifications submitted, per standard practices. Any alteration or deviation from above specifications involving extra costs will be executed only upon written orders, and will become an extra charge over and above the estimate. Our workers are fully covered by Workers Compensation insurance.

Acceptance Of Proposal The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and hereby accepted. You are authorized to do the work as specified. Payment will be made as outlined above.

Note: This proposal may be withdrawn by us if not accepted within 30 days.

Please sign using a stylus, your mouse, or your finger below to authorize this contract. By electronically signing this document, you agree to the terms established above.

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