Exterior- Areas to include one gable side of the Salt building, green shingled area to the right side of the door and up as high as the roofline, clapboards in front of the Portly Pilgrim, shingles on the gable end of Whimsical Wishes, green clapboards on building next to Whimsical Wishes, gable end of shoe repair building.
Siding will be scraped and sanded using electric orbital sanders to remove as much flaking paint as possible.
All clapboards and shingles will be completely primed with Latex Primer and tinted to color of topcoat.
We will apply 1 complete coat of Sherwin Williams Flat Latex paint to all siding.
While painting will take precautions to cover roofs, walkways, etc.
Labor and Materials: $12,000
Additional Option- Gazebo
All wood trim will be painted white.
New pressure treated wood will be primed then painted white.
Labor and Materials: $1,500
Total for All Options: $13,500
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Signed by Tracy Towne on Tue Sep 24 2024 16:06:45 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
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