Interior Painting -
When painting walls will fill minor holes and imperfections including screw pops particularly around stairway area.
Walls will be painted 2 coats in your choice of color in a Matte finish paint.
Closets will be painted 1 coat of flat paint to match existing color.
While painting ceilings will fill minor holes and imperfections.
Caulk along edges if needed.
Apply 1 coat of flat paint in same color to match existing.
Areas to be painted -
Foyer area - Walls
Front Den/Bedroom - Walls, closets, baseboards (no bathroom)
Dining room - Walls and ceilings
1st Floor Master Bedroom - Will cut carpet back along edges and paint walls (no bathroom)
Hall outside Master Bedroom - Walls
Living room, stairway and upstairs loft - Walls
Two upstairs bedrooms - ceiling, walls and closets (not painting smaller bedroom or bathroom)
One bedroom will take light fixture down on ceiling prior to painting.
Basement - Walls (no bathroom)
Bathroom - Will fix one sloppy area along tile baseboard where paint/plaster ran on to it.
Paint all wood trim in basement.
Concrete floor in storage area in basement - paint in a standard slate gray concrete paint.
Garage walls including peg boards on walls will be painted.
Steps currently the wall color will be painted slate gray.
Closet inside house next to garage will be painted.
Trim in random areas through out house - will caulk open joints, gaps, seams and touch ups - one man up to 8 hours for trim touch ups.
Labor and Materials: $12,250
Kitchen ceiling - Beams in ceiling we will re-caulk around where current caulking has separated. Paint beams with semi-gloss paint and paint ceiling flat white to match existing color.
Labor and Materials: $900
Two story foyer ceiling - Where caulking has separated - will re-caulk, paint all beams semi-gloss and paint ceilings flat white to match existing color.
Labor and Materials: $3,200
**While painting will take precautions to cover cabinetry, flooring, etc. to protect from paint spatter. Upon completion will leave any left over paints for future touch ups.
Project Total for all listed above: $16,350
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Signed by We have decided to move in a different direction with a contractor that will be doing all of the various things we need in the house. on Fri Jan 05 2024 06:25:26 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)
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