Scope of work to include: First and second floor inside of offices and bathrooms, however not to include inside of kitchen area, or basement lower level.
Minor holes and imperfections will be filled and sanded smooth.
We will apply 2 complete coats of paint in your choice of color and sheen. We recommend matte finish for walls.
All open joints, gaps and seams will be caulked.
Trim will be prepped as needed to ensure good paint adhesion. We will lightly sand if necessary.
We will apply 1 complete coat of white semigloss paint to match existing.
One piece of wood that is currently stained above wall on staircase will be primed and painted. (We realize it was started and not finished.)
Labor and Materials: $12,500
While painting we will cover off any necessary areas to prevent paint spatter.
Option 2- Large wood ceiling on second floor
We noticed that the ceiling is extremely dusty. The ceiling can be wiped down and wiped with Murphy's oil soap
Labor and Materials: $3,000
Option 3- Large ceiling on second floor
If you would like a coat of clear sealer/ poly on it, we will apply 1 coat in a matte or satin finish so that dust is less likely to stick to the ceiling and it will be easier to wipe down if necessary in the future.
Labor and Materials: $3,500 (If you decide to seal it, we will need to wash the ceiling first (option 2) to remove the dust.)
Upon completion we will leave all extra paint for future touchups.
Upon winning bid we will provide you with our certificates of workman's comp and liability insurance.
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