Complete interior painting of home
Newly plastered ceilings will be primed and finish coated with 2 coats flat white
All open joints, gaps and seams will be caulked.
Nail holes will be overfilled and sanded smooth then sprayed 2 coats in a satin or semigloss finish.
Doors will be removed when spraying to keep hinges clean and free of paint.
Prior to painting we will fill minor holes and imperfections.
Walls will be primed and painted 2 top coats will be rolled in either a matte or an eggshell finish, sanding in between coats.
Stair railings and handrails will be stained and/ or polyurethaned.
This estimate was calculated for all spraying to be completed before the hardwood floors are installed with the exception of the kitchen and dining room. We realize the kitchen and dining room floors may be in at the time of spraying and we will cover these areas off.
We realize there is an original mantle as well as a 15 panel door which will be included in this estimate.
At the end of this project, our estimate will also include touchups for 2 men for 2 full days.
Labor and Materials: $13,000
Additional option- Exterior chimney
Chimney will be primed with a masonry primer and top coated in your choice of color and sheen.
Labor and Materials: $1,400
Upon winning bid we will provide a copy of our workers comp insurance
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Signed by Paul Embree on Tue Dec 31 2024 15:15:09 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)
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