Interior Painting -
All floors in areas we will be working in will be covered to protect. Furnishings will be moved to center and covered with light sheet plastic.
Dining room will remove existing chair rail, add new chair rail with cap, as well as picture frames on lower half of wall.
Kitchen will remove chair rail that is currently there. Walls will be patched and chair rail will not be re-installed.
Ceilings -
Ceilings in home will be painted 1 coat in flat white paint.
Walls -
Walls will be painted 2 coats in your choice of color in either Matte or Eggshell finish.
Prior to painting walls will fill in minor wholes, imperfections & stress cracks.
Wood work -
All wood work in the home currently stained will be sanded to ensure good paint adhesion.
Will prime with Kilz Oil based primer
Lightly sand.
Open joints, gaps and seams will be caulked.
Nail holes puttied.
Apply 2 complete coats of white semi-gloss paint.
**We realize windows will be replaced and new wood work around them will need to be painted as well.
Lower half of dining room will all be painted in semi-gloss. To match trim.
All heaters in home will be lightly sanded, primed with Kilz Oil Based Primer and painted 2 top coats to match trim.
**Please note we will not be painting kitchen cabinets. Also not included is painting upstairs bathroom ceiling or walls, will paint the trim only.
One upstairs bedroom in front of home will not have walls or ceiling painted, will paint trim only.
Upon completion we will leave any extra paints for future touch ups.
Labor and Materials: $12,500
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Signed by Paul Riley on Tue Sep 05 2023 10:52:01 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
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