12 Commons Drive Carver, MA 02330


Steve DeFelice
Kingston Intermediate School
65 2nd Brook St
Kingston, MA 02364


Interior Painting of Kingston Intermediate School

Metal doors and casings-

Doors and casings will be prepared as needed by lightly sanding to ensure good paint adhesion.

We will prime with Sherwin Williams Pro-Cryl Primer and we will top coat with Sherwin Williams urethane reinforced Emerald paint in a semigloss finish.

Doors will be prepped and painted 2 coats on both sides at the rate of $200 each.

Door casings will be prepped and painted on both sides at the rate of $150 each.

Bathroom walls-

Bathroom walls will be prepped and painted 1 coat of the same color at the rate of $500 each.

If you would like to do a color change, this will require a second coat at an additional cost of $350 each.

Classroom walls-

Classroom walls will be prepped and painted 1 coat of the same color at the rate of $1200 each.

If you would like to do a color change, this will require a second coat and additional cost of $800 each.

If you would like to add an accent wall, it will require 2 coats and it will be an additional $450.

Stairway walls in one larger stairway-

To prep and paint the walls one coat of the same color will be $4,000.

If you would like to change the color, a second coat will be required for an additional $2,200.

Smaller sized stairways-

Walls will be painted one coat of the same color for $2900.

If you would like to change the color, it will require a second coat for an additional $1,595.

Handrails in stairways will be prepped, primed, and painted at the rate of $800 each stairwell.

Front entry/ foyer bricks

Front entry/ foyer bricks from the floor level to approximately 10 feet high will be white washed and clear coated. To do this process we will need to make several samples for your approval. $12,500.

While painting any portion of this project we will take necessary precautions to cover floors as needed to prevent paint spatter.

Any receptacle covers will be removed if possible.

All additional items will be covered to prevent paint spatter such as fire extinguishers, signs, wall receptacles, etc.

Upon winning bid we will provide you with our Massachusetts COMMBUYS Vendor number as we are an approved vendor. We will also provide our workers compensation certificate, general liability certificate, our HIC license, W-9 for tax purposes.

A copy of our Workman’s Compensation and Liability Insurance is available upon request.

WE PROPOSE: hereby to furnish materials and labor-complete accordance with the above specifications, for the sum of: $

All material is guaranteed to be as specified. All work to be completed in a substantial workmanlike manner according to specifications submitted, per standard practices. Any alteration or deviation from above specifications involving extra costs will be executed only upon written orders, and will become an extra charge over and above the estimate. Our workers are fully covered by Workers Compensation insurance.

Acceptance Of Proposal The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and hereby accepted. You are authorized to do the work as specified. Payment will be made as outlined above.

Note: This proposal may be withdrawn by us if not accepted within 30 days.

Please sign using a stylus, your mouse, or your finger below to authorize this contract. By electronically signing this document, you agree to the terms established above.

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